Other competition rules

  1. 參賽者如未能於交件限期內遞交參賽項目,其參賽資格將被自動取消及不會頒發參賽證書.
  2. 所有參賽作品及文件均概不發還,歸主辦機構所擁有(如作品貴重,請參賽者以模型取代).
  3. 若參賽作品引起任何有關知識產權的爭議,本會概不負責.
  4. We will reserve the right to publish all entries, including introducing them to the media or displaying them in public exhibitions.
  5. The Association reserves the right to make all final decisions of this competition. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.